CFV WOD 12/31/2012

For Time;

100 Hang Power Clean 95/65lb

Every time you drop the bar you must buy it back with 20 bar hops (each rebound = 1)

CFV WOD 12/28/2012

For Time;

21, 15, 9 of:

Man Makers 30/20lb DB

Knee 2 Elbow

Deadlift 185/125

Kettle Bell Swing 1.5/1 pood

CFV WOD 12/27/2012

20 Min AMRAP;

10 Pistol Squats (alternate legs)

15 Dumb Bell Snatch (alternate arms) 40/30lb

20 Double Unders

CFV WOD 12/26/2012


5 Rounds for Time of:

20 Pull Ups

30 Push Ups

40 Sit Ups

50 Squats

Rest Exactly 3 Min. Between Rounds


CFV WOD 12/24/2012

For Time;

50, 40, 30, 20, 10

Box Jump 20″

Kettle Bell Swing 1.5/1 pood

Walking Lunge

CFV WOD 12/21/2012

‘Fight Gone Bad’

3 Rounds for Reps

1 Min Wall Ball 20/14lb

1 Min Burpees

1 Min Ring Dips

1 Min Walking Lunge

1 Min V-Ups 35/25lb

1 Min Rest



CFV WOD 12/20/2012

CFV Holiday Partner WOD, a very Merry spin on IsaGrace

‘ Jingle Bars’

60 Snatch 135/95lb

60 Clean and Jerk 135/95 lb

Partners must go rep for rep through each movement, complete snatches before moving onto C&J.  Bar can be dropped from overhead but must then be rolled by athlete that completed the rep to partner for their next rep.

CFV WOD 12/19/2012

5 Rounds For Time;

20 Pull Ups

20 Push Ups

20 Situps

20 Air Squats

50 Double Unders

CFV WOD 12/18/2012


3/3/3 Front Squat


For time;

21/18/15/12/9/6/3 of

Knee 2 Elbows

Ring Rows

CFV WOD 12/17/2012

‘Hell’s Bells’

2 Rounds for Time; 1.5/1pood

20 Over Head Squats (10L/10R)

10 KB Swings

20 Full Cleans (10L/10R)

10 KB Swings

20 Turkish Get Ups (10L/10R)

10 KB Swings

20 Full Cleans (10L/10R)

10 KB Swings

20 One 1 Arm SDLHP (10L/10R)

10 KB Swings